Labels:barrier reef | fence | reckoner | sky | water OCR: abedefghijkl Imnopqrstuvwxy ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ 0123 456789 1@#$%^&*0 .{}N..? The quid. brewn fex jum ps coer the laery dkeg. 18 The quick brown tox jumps cVE P the lazy Eop 24 The brown tox jumps over the lazy dog. Tp!nb ayI brown fox jumps over the lazy -bop The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy -bop The quick brown tox jumps over the hzpI bop The quick brown tox jumps over the hzD\ bop ABCDEFGH HIJKLMNO OPORSTU UVWXYZ hrown jump hzDI